BI Analyst (ERP key user, Power BI, SQL, Reporting) (Budapest)

BI Analyst (ERP key user, Power BI, SQL, Reporting) (Budapest)
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Develop and maintain reports according to needs of The Company. Provide key business insights from data perspectives to meet company objectives. Establish cross-functional procedures and consult with internal Sales, Marketing, and Product Management teams to identify business opportunities & challenges and eliminate process inefficiencies.


BI Analyst (ERP key user, Power BI, SQL, Reporting)


-Ensure knowledge of sales/products for local teams via reports
-Develop data utilization throughout the systems for Sales, Marketing, Product Managers, Order Desk, Logistic, Customers
-Provide support for local teams
-Create and maintain reports for senior management
-Communication with CZ IT team


-Development, maintenance and distribution of reports
-SAP documents checking
-EDI checking and coordination
-Own data warehouse update
-ZIP code update
-Customer Bonuses update
-SAP stock taking preparations and execution
-Cooperation with IT Czech
-Hardware maintenance of servers, desktops, laptops and printers

Every day: 
-Data warehouse update f, Report for All PMs
-Customer bonuses update
-Ad hoc issues (e.g. material set creation, EDI customer actualization, windows and application instalation etc.)

Every Week: 
-SAP regular checking

Every Month:
-Update source files, update reports: consumption, srapping, LTS 6M, 12M, Alert, Lezaky, Provision, TOP 500, Prowision simulation, Consignation, M5.

Amit kínálunk

We have a clear, long-term strategy based on our mission and philosophy. This will help shape the future of our company. Our strategy is clear. It is built on three pillars: focus, development and growth. Each of them defines a clear, ambitious picture for the coming years. Our basic principles affect all pillars of our strategy, and are therefore the main components of our strategy.


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