Logistics expert (Mosonmagyaróvár)

Logistics expert (Mosonmagyaróvár)
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Logistics expert


We are looking for a multinational automotive supplier partner to hire for the following position:

Logistics expert


  • Build up relationship with the key contacts of the Company plants in Europe
  • Map out the landscape of service providers in Europe, to understand potential vendor base
  • Fully manage the process of sourcing warehousing, sequencing and module center services in the entire European region, when request arrives from the plants
  • Assist the process of sourcing road freight within Europe
  • Develop standardized processes for tender management, RFQ and costing, etc.
  • Drive consolidation exercises and develop optimized supply chain solutions in the region in order to reduce complexity and costs
  • Take part in periodical performance reviews with the key service providers and freight forwarders
  • Assist the global sustainability team with their efforts of reducing carbon emissions in logistics


  • Have the will to participate in the process of creating something new and support the growth of Company Logistics in Europe
  • Experience with the costing mechanisms and principles applied in warehousing
  • Understanding the operation of a warehouse service provider
  • Have high level of English language knowledge, further EU languages are a plus
  • Basic understanding of how road freight works
  • Ability to successfully monitor and drive multiple projects running parallel
  • Ability to spend time abroad frequently, but not excessively (individual short trips)
  • Work with a sense of urgency to deliver results

Amit kínálunk

  • Professional development from experienced colleagues
  • Competitive fringe benefit package
  • Housing allowance
  • Developing your professional language skills
  • Responsible and challenging tasks
  • Young, dynamic team, motivated work atmosphere


Munkavégzés helye

Mosonmagyaróvár környéke



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