SAP Consultant / SAP Business Analyst (eWM / MM / PP / FI / CO ) (Veszprém)

SAP Consultant / SAP Business Analyst (eWM / MM / PP / FI / CO ) (Veszprém)
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Let's be succesfulll together!

We are looking for experienced Professionals for an international manufacturing company for the following positions:

SAP Consultant / SAP Business Analyst (eWM OR PP or MM)


  • Support the SAP conversition from ERP to SAP 4/HANA, related the eWM or PP or MM moduls;
  • Adjustments in SAP in the relevant modules, customization;
  • Creation of functional and technical concepts for the development and implementation of SAP solutions;
  • Rethink the processes together with the business/production/logistics area;
  • Make the training material and also teach the colleagues about the new system and processes;
  • Communication with external consultants and the associated helpdesk;
  • Help the key users at the different sites;
  • Communication with audit companies and provision of necessary data.


  • Relevant experience, at manufacturing companies;
  • Active, negotiable English knowledge;
  • Experience in conversion from ERP to SAP 4/HANA or implementation of SAP 4/HANA;
  • Willingness to travel occationally.

Amit kínálunk

  • Correct, motivating salary, extras, bonus;
  • Stability;
  • Long term position;
  • Regional tasks;
  • You are able to work partly remote.

Munkavégzés helye

  • Veszprém

Jelentkezés módja

Küldje el jelentkezését a „Jelentkezem az állásra most” gombra való kattintással! A fényképes önéletrajzokat magyar / idegen nyelven várjuk. Kérjük, a levél tárgyába írja be a pozíció nevét és a referencia számát. Köszönjük! Hire-One Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 3376-1/2008.


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