Senior lean specialist (Logistics/Warehouse) (külföld)

Senior lean specialist (Logistics/Warehouse) (külföld)
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Let's be successful together!

Our Partner is a multinational logistics service provider. 

They are going to open a new site in Oradea.

We are looking for a senior LEAN specialist for them for the following position:

Senior lean specialist (Logistics/Warehouse)


  • Planning, description and documentation of logistics processes;
  • Preparation of work instructions;
  • Creation of warehouse layout;
  • Creation of trainings - based on the process descriptions;
  • Creation of a quality and documentation system;
  • Planning and holding internal audits (checks that the processes proceed as described);
  • Documentation system maintenance;
  • Preparation of instructions;
  • Participates in EHS audits in cooperation with the external service provider;
  • The work is approx. 80% lean, approx. 20% is documenting it;
  • Practical position, our Partner would like the colleague to be in the operation a lot.


  • Senior lean experience in either logistics or manufacturing;
  • High English and Romanian language knowledge;
  • Relevant degree.

Amit kínálunk

  • Correct, motivating salary, extras + company car.

Munkavégzés helye

  • Külföldi település

Jelentkezés módja

Küldje el jelentkezését a „Jelentkezem az állásra most” gombra való kattintással! A fényképes önéletrajzokat magyar és idegen nyelven várjuk. Kérjük, a levél tárgyába írja be a pozíció nevét és a referencia számát. Köszönjük! Hire-One Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft. Nyilvántartási szám: 3376-1/2008.

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