A Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (korábban IT Services Hungary, ITSH) Magyarország legnagyobb IKT-munkaadója, a Deutsche Telekom Csoport tagja. A 2006-ban alakult, több mint 5000 fős cég az informatikai és telekommunikációs szolgáltatások széles körét nyújtja. A vállalat 2019-ben elnyerte a Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség (HIPA) legjobb oktatási együttműködésért járó díját, a PwC Magyarország független felmérése alapján a legvonzóbb magyarországi munkahelyek közé tartozik, és a legetikusabb multinacionális vállalat címét is megkapta. A cég folyamatosan fejleszti négy – budapesti, debreceni, pécsi és szegedi – telephelyét, és várja képzett informatikai szakemberek jelentkezését a csapatába
The Digital Hub Massenmarkt provides services for the Business Capability “Provide Invoice” in the Billing Domain. We operate the billing chains for fixed and mobile networks as well as for mobile service providers. We ensure high-quality invoicing for our customers. We are responsible for the customer experience of these billing chains and continuously develop them in coordination with other billing chains (e.g., Magenta Haus) and, among other things, reduce invoice-related customer contacts.
We provide the central Rating, Billing and Bill Presentment Services throughout the company, which ensure correct and flexible-adaptable billing. We merge the billing functionalities for the fixed network and mobile networks into a consolidated billing chain according to the Future Billing Vision. Therefore, we are modernizing our system landscape and gradually shutting down the legacy systems.
The Digital Hub Massenmarkt includes the design, development, integration, and operation (functional and technical) as well as the responsibility for consolidating the processes and systems of the billing chains for fixed, mobile and mobile service providers. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a dedicated Test Engineer (m/f/d) who will thoroughly test our applications to ensure the highest quality.
Key responsibilities include:
The need skills:
Profound knowledge in working with:
In-depth knowledge of:
Advantageous are basic knowledge and experience with: