A Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (korábban IT Services Hungary, ITSH) Magyarország legnagyobb IKT-munkaadója, a Deutsche Telekom Csoport tagja. A 2006-ban alakult, több mint 5000 fős cég az informatikai és telekommunikációs szolgáltatások széles körét nyújtja. A vállalat 2019-ben elnyerte a Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség (HIPA) legjobb oktatási együttműködésért járó díját, a PwC Magyarország független felmérése alapján a legvonzóbb magyarországi munkahelyek közé tartozik, és a legetikusabb multinacionális vállalat címét is megkapta. A cég folyamatosan fejleszti négy – budapesti, debreceni, pécsi és szegedi – telephelyét, és várja képzett informatikai szakemberek jelentkezését a csapatába.
Security Consultant Expert - IT Service Continuity Management (REF3260G)
Understanding of legal and regulatory requirements (KwG, BaFin, Kritis) as well as the typical regulations (ITIL, BSI) and can apply these in the interests of customers and T-Systems.
Further key tasks of this role are:
- The development of organizational and process-related adjustments to implement customer-specific ITSCM/BCM requirements with the involvement of internal operating units (emergency organization, crisis management and operational areas)
- Coordination and subsequent analysis of IT emergency exercises; specifications for the creation and quality monitoring of IT emergency plans including employee training
- Implementation of risk self-assessments; support and coordination of internal and external audits, compliance issues and certifications
- Presales support including independent presentations to customers
- Collaboration on ITSCM-/BCM-relevant customer projects.
- Ideally you have experience in several areas of the main tasks.
- You speak and write very good German and at least good English.
- You are willing to work several days a year at weekends.
- You have a very good basic technical understanding and are willing to accompany in-depth technical analyses.
- You have the ability to think and act analytically, have good negotiating skills and are confident in dealing with problems and escalations, also in direct customer contact
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