Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Assistant (Budapest)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Assistant (Budapest)
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Mind-Diák Szövetkezet

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Assistant


  • Coordination of DE&I projects and initiatives
  • Communication tasks such as writing articles and internal/external social media
  • Organization/coordination of internal cultural events and celebrations
  • DE&I related document handling
  • DE&I data handling, gathering and visualizing
  • Contribute to other HR projects as needed


  • Fluent English (C1 level) knowledge
  • Ongoing studies and active or passive Hungarian student status
  • Proficient level of MS Tools (Outlook, Teams, PowerPoint)
  • You respect and open to people from different cultural backgrounds
  • You show initiative and work proactively and independently on new assignments
  • You have an international outlook


Amit kínálunk

  • Gross salary: 2254 Ft/hour

Munkavégzés helye

Budapest VI.


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